The blog will be silent for a few weeks, while me and my family are off on vacation, trying to reconnect with each other. It's been a hard few months around our house, lots going on and not alot of connecting happening. Nothing that a few weeks of complete and utter togetherness can't fix, right?
We are going to visit the Florida Keys and, hopefully, see some pristine beauty. I've been trying to track the oil migration, and so far things sound fine where we're headed. But you just never know, and frankly, either way it will be an experience for me.
I tend to find myself in strange, coincidental situations on vacation. On my honeymoon, while driving the Road to Hana, we encountered a lady climbing up from under a bridge (and a steep hill) in complete hysterics about her friend falling down the waterfall. Her body was later found in the ocean a few miles down the beach. I've been visiting my parents in Maryland for the hurricane (I can't remember which one now), and for the sniper (now that made for interesting choices on where to go visit!) And now we're headed near the scene of the biggest environmental disaster in America's history. Either way, I figure we're in for some interesting conversations!
So, we'll bring back some photos. I hope they will not be photos of what the Keys "used" to look like!
For now, I'll just leave you with a photo of my precious daughter graduating from Kindergarten today. A few tears were shed, but I know I cry at everything, so why not at your daughter's graduation?